Who wins the psychological war wins the war?

For nearly eight months, the clashes between Hezbollah and Israel have been the most violent since the July 2006 war, but they are still subject to a certain ceiling that neither of them can exceed for reasons not attributable to them. They are, rather, regional and international conditions and given. But what was surprising was the increase in the rate of psychological warfare between the two sides, which became compensation for the non-expansion that each of them wanted to achieve, with Israel taking the side. A strategy that includes, but is not limited to, claiming that the party has not yet used all its military capabilities in the context of instilling terror into the souls of Israelis.

Yesterday, an Israeli military source told a Western media outlet that if Israel enters southern Lebanon, it will not leave except through an agreement that must be guaranteed to be fulfilled, which would leave Hezbollah 8 or 10 kilometers outside. The same source acknowledged that if war breaks out, the Lebanese government will have to shoulder its responsibilities and remain cautious, although it recognizes that the problem will be bigger for Israel and not just Lebanon’s Hezbollah. In this regard, the goal will be to reduce Iran’s influence in the region.

In light of these data, an informed source saw the speech as insulting and derogatory, and psychological warfare was not waged, on the other hand, the article published by “The Telegraph” was much more than what he described as “a blow” since the airport is the only lung that breathes from abroad in Lebanon. Impact rather than speech, and targeting it cuts off air and international support from foreigners. A new Gaza from this perspective. But, the informed source continued, the Israeli speaker forgot that the matter was out of his hands once the US cut off arms shipments from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his colleagues. The extremists, increasingly vocal, were accused of threatening Israel’s existence. How can a war like the one in 2006 be waged without full US support? At the height of this support some 18 years ago, the Israelis could not stay in the areas they entered, and even after this period and in light of the unprecedented Israeli-American divide, they suffered such heavy losses. Do the Israelis believe they can stay in southern Lebanon when they can’t stay in Gaza?

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An informed source said that Washington is beginning to feel the heat of the situation, that the fire has reached its outer garden, and that it strongly opposes expanding the scope of the war towards Lebanon. The region will be open and it will not be easy to close them, and the Israelis will not be too far from the American positions as a whole, even in places that are safe for them, attacks and targets will be vulnerable. , threatening US influence in the region. How can Washington protect its soldiers and Israel at the same time? So, the source believes that psychological warfare is a test, because the crisis can be ended by convincing people in all directions, that the supporter can say that the winner Israel has won points and achieved its goal by showing its strength. The party can say the same and its deterrence skills have paid off At the same time US influence in the region is dominant and not at risk.

In psychological warfare, not everyone wins in the end, which is precisely what is needed in this situation.

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