Where is Syria that is not in “Jerusalem Day” in terms of unity and “resistance”?

With no regime in Syria, or the lack of it to prevent chaos, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah and political leaders did not participate in the “Jerusalem Day” commemoration. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Hamas movement, spoke. Abdul Malik al-Houthi, an official of the Houthi group in Yemen and the representative of the Islamic opposition in Iraq, asked more than one question about the reasons for the absence of the regime in Damascus. Participating in the celebration, which was intended to emphasize the “unity of the squares”, particularly coincided with an Israeli attack targeting several leaders in the Quds Force, near the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

The targeting of these leaders was a major event that alarmed the opposition axis and constituted a significant security breach of the preventive measures that were supposed to provide security to the venue of such an important meeting between key figures. As one of Iran's weapons in the “Islamic Resistance” movement in Occupied Palestine, it deals with the “Quds Force” and the “Islamic Jihad” movement.

Why did the Damascus regime not attend the “Jerusalem Day” celebrations?

The regime's non-participation in Syria on this occasion comes in light of the war between “Hamas” and Israel on the Gaza front, and between the latter and “Hezbollah” on the northern front in southern Lebanon, which is strengthening. Although Nasrallah should be one of the forces included in the unity of the arenas that continue to speak, he bets on its role in countering the Israeli occupation. Mention Syria in his speech recalling axis of protest for “Jerusalem Day”.

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In this context, with the regime neutral in Syria itself, opposition circles stopped short of participating in the occasion and asked: was his absence intended to send a message to those concerned that he would not join Square's unit? Isn't Hamas involved in the ongoing conflict with Israel by supporting it? Like Hezbollah, especially in the areas it controls in Syria, it has vowed not to intervene, even by organizing rallies in support of anti-Islamic movements. In Gaza.

Opposition sources indicate that Syria's regime has decided to stay out of the conflict because of a dispute with Hamas that supported groups that rebelled against it when the revolution broke out in Syria. As Islamist movements respond to the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, it may regain its role in the region, which has declined significantly in recent years.

Evidence for a New International Order

The same sources confirm that Syria's regime follows a policy of neutrality, even as the international coalition accuses it of destroying Syria and supporting its enemies by providing them with logistical and financial support from terrorist or other extremist groups. Towards the ongoing war in Gaza, it certainly means that it wants to present its credentials to join the new international order, if a solution to the conflicts in the region is reached, and it is able to restore its relations with most Arab countries.

The same sources believe Syria's current regime has missed the role played by late President Hafez al-Assad in maintaining balance in its Arab relations, particularly with Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It says that Syria quickly turned from being a player whose role in the region could not be ignored to a playing field that accommodated its militaristic adversaries in many regions, and Syria became the arena for settling scores between Israel. On the one hand, Iran and its weapons in the region, led by Hezbollah. ».

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Al-Assad seeks to enforce his Arab presence

In other words, the opposition believes that President Bashar al-Assad wants to enforce his presence in the Arab bloc, and this explains his lack of involvement in the conflict on the Gaza and southern Lebanon fronts. The “Jerusalem Day” commemoration falls into the category of not harming his Arab ties. Orbiting problems that he doesn't need based on his not joining the axis of opposition that revolves politically in Iran and within it. Therefore, he won't be a part of it because he will be accused of meddling in the affairs of Arab countries.

This confirms that al-Assad has come a long way towards normalizing Syrian-Arab relations and that he is distancing himself from the axis of opposition in order to preserve what he has achieved so far in repairing his relations with the Arabs. group.

But Assad's lack of involvement in the axis of opposition, in the military sense of the term, does not mean he wants to send a message to Israel, as political sources told Asharq al-Awsad, but rather to cement his position. In dealing with the ongoing war in Gaza, the Arab Summit has reached a level of coordination with the Arab Group and concluded a reconciliation process with it to confirm its progress in raising the issue, without this meaning he went too far in his review. Relations with Hezbollah, Iran and Russia have given him all the support he needs to protect his regime and prevent its collapse as fighting escalates across Syrian territories, even as Tehran and the party's continued military presence begin. Israel is constantly targeting them and is a burden on it.

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