What does loud snoring mean? Survey Answers

Loud snoring that keeps you awake at night may do more than just annoy you — it could be an early warning sign of dangerous high blood pressure, researchers suggest.

A study conducted by sleep experts at Flinders University in Australia found that individuals, especially overweight middle-aged men, who snore regularly at night are more likely to develop high blood pressure.

“For the first time, we can objectively say that there is a significant association between regular nocturnal snoring and high blood pressure,” says Flinders University Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI) and Dr. Bastian Lechat. Faculty of Medicine and Public Health.

He continues: “15 percent of all study participants, primarily overweight men, snored more than 20 percent of the night on average, and we found that this regular nighttime snoring was associated with higher blood pressure. “Snoring is a factor in health care and treatment of sleep-related problems, Especially in the context of managing high blood pressure.”

“The results of this study pave the way for further investigation into whether therapeutic interventions targeting snoring can reduce hypertension and its associated risks,” Lesat said.

Snoring is common, affecting a large part of the population, and snoring and sleep apnea are often underestimated based on the negative consequences, and snoring alone can be an early warning sign of hypertension, poor sleep quality. Snoring causes high blood pressure. (Al Jazeera Net)

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