‘Urban Layers’ exhibition in Beirut… Muhammad Saif and his brush paintings of international cities (photos)

A photographer’s goal is always to express his artistic vision through what he captures, and highlight his skills and experience in his work. To this end, renowned photographer Mohammad Saif inaugurated an exhibition in which he used his skills in photography, drawing and collage to present 11 “urban” portraits from international cities.

A photography exhibition titled “Urban Layers” opened on Thursday at the “Lin Mudal Gallery” in the Lebanese capital Beirut, and includes 11 art portraits.

Speaking to An-Nahar, Saif said that his aim is to use new elements in his work in addition to fashion photography through the paintings he presents at the exhibition. So, he combined photographs from international cities such as Paris, New York and Miami with other elements that express “his thoughts and beliefs” such as paint and text messages.

Saif revealed that the common denominator between his paintings is the fashion models. In each painting, the model appears in a different position than the other, “If the painting depicts fashion, in other paintings we see part of the model’s face covered in paint taken to highlight the element of drama in all paintings.

After excelling in celebrity photography, Mohammad Saif’s name emerged in the world of fashion and beauty, armed with years of experience in the field, he was “always keen to come up with new images to establish celebrities firmly in people’s minds and educate them. A sophisticated and beautiful way.”

Saif told Al-Nahar: “After the invasion of the art world, especially artificial intelligence, in this exhibition, I wanted to express an artistic vision that cannot be achieved with a picture but by putting my skills in both photography, collage and drawing.”

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The process of making the paintings involved selecting the best photographs of fashion models in international cities and with the help of a team of experts, he added paint, acrylic and other art materials. He then printed the final version of the photos on canvas.

From June 27 to July 12, the exhibition doors will be open to receive visitors from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

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