Similar symptoms of Corona, Cold and Respiratory Allergy… Is there a way to differentiate between them?

Runny nose, sneezing and coughing are common symptoms in spring. But when they do appear this time of year, it’s hard to tell whether they’re the result of seasonal allergies or symptoms that come with the coronavirus or the common cold.

How do we differentiate between corona symptoms, colds and seasonal allergies?

Symptoms of the coronavirus are similar to those of seasonal allergies and colds, so things get mixed up in the spring, but it’s hard to tell the cases apart

As published, there are some differences that help distinguish between them Tacticimo:

Corona virus infection is usually accompanied by high fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of sense of smell and taste and difficulty breathing in advanced cases.

A cold causes a runny nose, cough and sore throat, sometimes with a slight increase in temperature, sometimes in addition to muscle pains.

Seasonal allergies can cause runny nose, sneezing, itching and watery eyes.

On the other hand, coronavirus infection can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These are symptoms not usually associated with seasonal allergies. Conversely, seasonal allergies are accompanied by dry symptoms such as a dry cough.

In the case of the coronavirus, loss of the sense of smell and taste may be the most important symptoms that indicate infection with it. This is one of the symptoms that are absent in cases like seasonal allergies and colds.

Doctors stress the importance of getting tested for the coronavirus to check for infection and confirm the presence of the virus.

What treatments are available for each of these conditions?

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It is important to know the basis of the condition we suffer from, as it helps us protect those around us, and also helps guide us towards appropriate treatment, as treatment varies according to each case and its background:

– There is no specific treatment for coronavirus, but there are treatments to help manage symptoms.

Antihistamines should be used to combat seasonal allergies, and allergens should be avoided.

As far as the treatment of colds is concerned, the treatment remains the same regardless of the season. Treatment of nasal congestion, and pain relievers are used.

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