“Regional pressures” surround Netanyahu’s maneuvers

Amid talk of “constructive progress” in the Rafah crossing crisis between Egypt and Israel, regional pressure is mounting to push Israel to take a clear stand on the US proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

A former Egyptian diplomat, strategist and military expert opined that “the siege and tightening of the screws in Tel Aviv to stop any maneuver to destabilize US President Joe Biden’s initiative”.

Based on these assessments, the speakers, in light of the international consensus, the Arab movement and the US pressure, “monitor progress in the negotiations and the possibility of reaching an agreement in the coming days” as represented by the Security Council’s support request to ratify the ceasefire.

Effects of Destruction in Gaza (AP)

It’s been a week since last January when Egypt, Qatar and the United States, acting as mediators, have been trying to enforce a second ceasefire after the first failed to extend in December. In this context, negotiations took place between Cairo, Doha and Paris. In his Friday speech, Biden presented a proposal based on stages for a cease-fire in Gaza, amid Egyptian, Arab and international reception to the initiative, with Hamas saying the proposal was “positive”, and a split among supporters in Israel. Opponents.

As part of Washington’s pressure to pass the motion, CNN Arabia quoted US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield as saying on Tuesday: “Washington presented a new US draft resolution to the Security Council supporting Biden’s proposal for a ceasefire. in Gaza in exchange for the release of the hostages”

Egypt on Tuesday expressed through Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry the regional pressure and international consensus to prevent the collapse of the Biden deal.

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There are many Arab efforts in this regard, meetings and contacts with many Western countries, the Egyptian minister told a press conference with his Cypriot counterpart in Cairo on Tuesday, “There is a consensus. The international community has said that it is time to stop the war and focus its efforts on it, to be positive and flexible.” There should be a response (from both sides).

A trilateral meeting between Israel, the United States and Egypt in Cairo on Sunday highlighted the dimensions of the Rafah crossing crisis and renewed Egyptian adherence to Israel’s withdrawal from the Palestinian enclave. It took power on May 7 last year.

A Palestinian searches under the rubble of a collapsed building in the Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on June 3, 2024 (AFP)

Similarly, Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majid al-Ansari confirmed at a press conference on Tuesday that “Doha is waiting for a clear Israeli position” on ending the ceasefire.

In Israel, Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid continued to embrace Biden’s proposal on Tuesday, amid Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reluctance to go along with the same proposal, after he “talked about the possibility of accepting a 42-day truce” for the war aimed at rescuing prisoners without giving up total victory. expressed “pressure” to accept the ceasefire, according to Israeli media, without clarifying the nature of those pressures.

On Sunday and Monday, joint statements were issued, first from the mediation trio; Egypt, Qatar and the US called on Hamas and Israel to accept Biden’s proposal, followed by a statement by the Arab Group, which includes Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Egypt and Jordan, supporting the US president’s initiative. Accepting a fight. Meanwhile, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller expressed Monday that “the United States is fully confident of Israel’s acceptance of Biden’s proposal,” stressing that “constructive discussions were held yesterday with the Egyptians and Israelis regarding the reopening of the Rafah crossing.”

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A view of destroyed buildings after the withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Al-Maqassi camp in the central Gaza Strip on June 3, 2024 (dpa)

A former Egyptian assistant foreign minister, Ambassador Raqqa Ahmed Hassan, said in an interview with Asharq al-Awsad that he expected the ceasefire to move “in a positive direction in the coming days” due to “two things: Washington’s move in the Security Council to issue a resolution on Biden’s plan, calling it “a good Development” describes.

The second thing, according to a former Egyptian diplomat, “is due to Netanyahu’s statements on Monday, in which he spoke about the possibility of accepting the release of hostages by all means, which would pave the way for accepting a fight. In light of regional and Arab pressure.”

He believes that regional and Arab pressures “may contribute to strengthening the role of mediators, in light of the international isolation Israel faces,” adding, “In light of these factors, a positive trend will emerge in the coming days regarding the ceasefire.”

He continues: “The issue of overcoming the Rafah crisis between Egypt and Israel, in light of the talk of constructive progress in its discussions, will not be far from negotiating solutions,” believing that a visit to Cairo by a Hamas delegation can “discuss guarantees.” for enforcing the ceasefire.”

Cautious faith

Major General Muhammad al-Khobari, a strategist and former director of the National Defense College at the Nasser Military Academy, expressed caution and conditional hope for a ceasefire in light of Netanyahu’s continued failure to respond in an interview with Asharq al-Awsad. Go ahead and accept the ceasefire under pressure.

Maj. Gen. Muhammad al-Kubari also believes that “even as regional and Arab pressure to end the war in Gaza continues, Netanyahu will continue to procrastinate and maneuver in the face of Biden’s initiative.”

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Netanyahu’s ploy to avoid resolving the response to Biden’s proposal appears likely to continue as a result of “spending time in favor of war and sending messages to the Israeli interior to strengthen its internal position.”

He added: “But progress will come with more pressure on Israel and exits from the Rafah and Palestinian border crossings.”

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