News Trump guilty of forging financial documents


A New York jury on Thursday charged former US President Donald Trump with 34 counts of illegally paying a pornographic actress to remain silent. He seeks to return to the White House.

After two days of deliberations, the 12-member jury announced that it had found Trump guilty of all charges he faces, and any guilty verdict requires a unanimous vote.

The Republican billionaire became the first former US president to be convicted of a crime, although the verdict did not stop him from continuing his campaign.

The judge set July 11 for sentencing against Trump.

Commenting on the sentence, Trump called the verdict against him a “disgrace”, adding that the “real verdict” will be delivered by voters on November 5, the date of the US presidential election.

Trump added that the verdict against him “was handed down by a corrupt, controversial judge, and this battle is not over.”

Trump, 77, has denied any wrongdoing and is expected to appeal the verdict.

The ruling puts the United States in an unprecedented situation ahead of the presidential election scheduled for November 5, when Trump will seek to overcome Democratic President Joe Biden to return to the White House.

The maximum sentence Trump could face is 4 years in prison, but those convicted of such a crime typically face shorter sentences or fines or probation.

Notably, 25% of Republicans said they would be more likely to vote for Trump if he were convicted, while 27% of Democrats were less likely to vote for him, reflecting the depth of the divide on a partisan basis. Confirms deeply biased views on politicizing Trump’s investigation.

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A poll by the National Corporation for Radio and Public Broadcasting found that 67% of voters said the trial and its results would not change their position, and that a guilty verdict would have no effect. He plans to vote for Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

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