Martyrs in a wave of Israeli attacks after a woman was killed in Safed, developments on the Lebanese front

Developments on the Lebanon Front | Martyrs result in a wave of Israeli attacks after a woman was killed in Safed

The escalation continues between Hezbollah and…Israeli occupation armyOn Lebanon's southern border with the Occupied Palestinian Territories, things seem open to all possibilities since last October eighth, with no signs of peace in the near future.

Today, Wednesday, Israeli ambulance crews announced that they had transported 7 injured people for treatment following rockets fired from Lebanese territory towards the city of Safed and its surroundings. The injuries of 3 of the injured were described as moderate and the others as minor.

Later, Israeli media reported that an Israeli woman was killed as a result of injuries sustained when a missile fired from Lebanon hit the city.

In response, the Israeli occupation army launched a series of attacks in various parts of southern Lebanon, resulting in many martyrs and injuries.

Similarly, Israeli occupation bombardment was renewed this Wednesday morning in several suburbs of border towns in southern Lebanon, after yesterday Tuesday saw a continuation of military expansion and a decline in positive indicators of a diplomatic solution. Hezbollah's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, in particular, kept all possibilities open. The front rejected Western proposals to accept the Israeli card.

On Wednesday morning, the Israeli occupation army bombed Jabal Balad and the southern Lebanese cities of Ramiya, Dire Harfa and Marwahin, whose planes were flying intensively and at low altitudes in Lebanese airspace.

Early today, the Israeli occupation army fired heavy machine guns near the Blue Line and its positions near Birkat Risha and al-Bustan city.

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Yesterday, the Israeli occupation army continued to bombard towns, civilian homes and forest areas, causing heavy losses, especially pine and olive trees and massive destruction at the level of buildings, centers and village squares.

At night, he dropped incendiary bombs on villages in the west and central areas, in the south, and several incendiary bombs aimed at setting fire to forests near the Blue Line on the outskirts of Naqora, Jabal al-Labuneh and Alma. Al-Shabab, the official Lebanese National News Agency reported.

Yesterday, Tuesday, Hezbollah carried out 8 military operations against Israeli positions and enemy military concentrations, using heavy, high-quality and advanced weapons, causing direct casualties.

“The resistance is monitoring all developments in the region and all possibilities are open,” Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech on Tuesday, stressing that we are monitoring Gaza and fighting in the south. The occupation of Gaza will cease… a ceasefire will be established in the south.”

Nasrallah halted the diplomatic movement and Western proposals for a cease-fire on the southern Lebanon front, saying, “All the delegations that come aim to protect and defend Israel, and they try to intimidate us, and this is not happening. There is no use, and they cannot achieve the political gains they threaten.” “It affects our position and will not lead to stopping this front.”

Nasrallah declared that the southern Lebanon front could not be stopped, emphasizing that the enemy could not impose conditions on Lebanon, calling for the official Lebanese position to set new conditions in Resolution 1701, not implement it.

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Nasrallah also emphasized that the cell phone is a listening device, “Our brothers in the border villages and south, especially the militants and their families, must give up cell phones in order to protect their blood and dignity. People,” “The cell phone is a deadly agent that delivers specific information.” “And deadly.”

For his part, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Tuesday that “the situation in the south is not without alarm, but God willing, things are moving towards some kind of long-term stability”.

He added: “Today we face two choices: permanent stability, which will benefit all, or war, which will cause losses to all parties,” and said, “I hope this difficult phase will end with the achievement of permanent stability.” “Things on the ground don't grow.”

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