Israeli army orders displaced people to leave shelter bombed by tanks

Netanyahu says he will continue the war until Hamas is destroyed.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that the war in Gaza will continue until Hamas is destroyed.

After planting the tree at the Gaza Strip headquarters in Camp Raim, Netanyahu said: “Hamas came with the intention of uprooting us, and we will uproot it. It came to destroy us, let us destroy it, establish our roots in our land, root out our enemies, and we will be here when they are gone. “We are committed to achieving total success,” he added. Complete victory means the elimination of Hamas and the return of all abductees, a goal we will not abandon.

Yahya Shinwar, head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, addresses a crowd on the annual Jerusalem Day, April 14 (Reuters).

Netanyahu's threats came as the Israeli army deepened its offensive in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, in pursuit of Hamas leader Yahya Shinwar.

An army spokesman said, “Fighters of the Paratrooper Force's battle group have expanded their battle area in Khan Younis and are now operating in the midst of a highly congested urban area, engaging and eliminating terrorists at close range, attacking infrastructure, and detecting mortar shells and rocket-propelled grenades.

Also, “the commando force continues its offensive in the Khan Younis area, and is intensifying its operational control of Hamas strongholds.” “Guerrilla fighters fight in challenging field conditions.”

An Israeli armored fighting vehicle (Epa) crossed an area near the border with southern Gaza on Thursday

In Khan Yunis, Israel has been waging a fierce and complicated battle for about 50 days, trying to reach Hamas leaders and prisoners, who the Israeli military believes moved to the area from the northern Gaza Strip at the start of the war.

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But Sinwar, who is pursued by Israel in Khan Yunis, is taking a step forward in his war with Israel, US network NBC said.

According to the report, Sinwar succeeded in taking the Israeli military and intelligence a step further. According to estimates, Sinwar, who planned and oversaw the October 7 surprise attack in Israel that led to the deaths of 1,200 people and the kidnapping of 240, was on the move the entire time and had changed his location. Not found, and that's what Israeli military commanders, former and current security officials and experts who have had ties to Hamas in the past believe.

A photo taken from Rafah shows smoke rising over Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip during an Israeli bombardment last Sunday (AFP).

Current and former Israeli military officials said Hamas went to great lengths to maintain the secrecy of communication channels between Sinwar and the political leadership in Qatar during the ceasefire, which saw the release of many Israeli prisoners.

A Hamas political official said the organization was trying to protect Shinwar and the movement's other leaders. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: “I believe this is the right of every leadership or opposition.” “I'm sure it will happen in every country.”

A Hamas tunnel in Khan Yunis… The tunnels also include communications exchanges to facilitate secure communication between the movement's leaders (AFP).

Earlier in the week, the Israeli military announced it was ending its siege of Khan Younis, Shinwar's hometown and a Hamas stronghold in southern Gaza. According to the report, the Israeli military believes that Sinwar is located deep in the tunnels, but they cannot rule out the possibility that he infiltrated Egypt through a tunnel.

As the war in Khan Yunis continues, the Israeli military continued work on establishing a one-kilometer-deep buffer zone along the border with the Gaza Strip last November.

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The Wall Street Journal said it aimed to convince Israelis to return to towns around Gaza. The US newspaper quoted the Israeli military as saying it was destroying Hamas infrastructure, but Israeli soldiers working on the border with Gaza confirmed destroying agricultural areas. The Wall Street Journal confirmed that the US administration is facing difficulties in pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end the buffer zone plan.

Palestinians next to the border fence with Egypt at a makeshift camp for displaced people in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, Wednesday (AFP).

Israeli officials have acknowledged that the buffer zone could be temporary, but they have not provided the US administration with a timetable or plan. According to the Wall Street Journal.

To achieve this goal, Israel demolished 1,100 to 2,800 buildings, most of which were agricultural greenhouses. An Israeli source said the purpose of demolishing the buildings was to prepare the area for free labor in the future.

In response to the ongoing Israeli offensive, Al-Qassam Brigades continued to confirm the destruction of tanks and vehicles targeting soldiers in Khan Younis and other areas in Gaza.

As fighting on the ground escalated, Palestinians in Khan Yunis staged their first demonstration demanding an end to the fighting. The Palestinians appeared in a video saying, “The people want a ceasefire”. Netanyahu and Sinwar want a ceasefire. Enough of the war, enough of the destruction.

A Palestinian woman prepares bread as children sit next to her in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, on Wednesday (Reuters).

In addition to the ground war, Israeli bombing continued into the 111th day of the war.

The bombing killed more Palestinians in large swathes of Gaza, and the Ministry of Health there put the “number of war dead at 25,700 martyrs and 63,740 wounded, most of them children and women, with more than 7,000 missing.”

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As the war continued, the tragedy deepened as the Palestinians in Gaza became a displaced population suffering from severe famine.

The Palestinian National Council has called on United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to add the Israeli occupation state to the list of states of shame and declare the Gaza Strip a disaster zone. In a press release on Thursday, the council called on the international community, the Security Council and all countries of the world not to apply double standards and to ensure that there is a measure of justice for all people regardless of race, religion and gender. Color.

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