How to save storage space after accounting for WhatsApp data in Google Drive?

Application backups are expected to count Share it The company's updated terms, announced last month, ended the long-standing exclusion of WhatsApp data from storage space on Google Drive.

Although a specific date has not been specified, users of the beta version of the application have already faced the change, as the backups include chat history, photos and videos, which will be counted in your storage in Google Drive. Earlier, like… WhatsApp was not counted in Google Drive.

WhatsApp's parent company, Meta, has confirmed that the change will apply to all Android users in the first half of 2024, and that you will get a 30-day advance notice, which will show up as a notification in the app's chat backup settings.

For those who are worried that their Google Drive chat history is full, there are alternative options:

-Direct Transfer: Easily move your data to a new device using the built-in WhatsApp Chat Transfer tool. This requires both phones to be on the same Wi-Fi network, but does not require an internet connection.

– Text-only backups: Opt for a more space-efficient approach by backing up text messages only, excluding media files.

This policy change aligns Android users with iPhone users who have always relied on WhatsApp backups in iCloud storage, and serves as a reminder to be careful when using cloud storage, especially as free plans shrink in size.

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