French parliamentary elections: the beginning of the end of the Macronist era?!

The results of the French parliamentary elections were a surprise, in which the far-right led by Jordan Bardella won by a large margin in the results of the historic legislative elections in France.

Anyone who reads or hears about these elections cannot realize their importance in determining the fate of nations unless they look at the percentage of votes in the session, which reached about 67%, an indicator of French sentiment. The importance of participating and voicing their opinion after the country has reached its present status. Here, Elie Raymond (pseudonym), a Lebanese national who holds French citizenship and has lived in France for more than two and a half decades, said, “For the first time since his time in France, he voted in a parliamentary election. Because he felt that there was a real problem and that maybe the elections would bring a different attitude. … “It contributes to painting a clearer picture of the country’s future.”

The results of the first session undoubtedly painted a new political scene in France, in which the far-right coalition led by Marine Le Pen took the lead, followed by the left-wing coalition, calling itself the “New People”. Front,” and in third place came the “Together” coalition, which includes the coalition of French President Emmanuel, while the Republican Party won 10.20% of the vote, but the strike was that the Rescue Party won 0.60%. Eric Gemmour leads the way, from which Marine Le Pen recently left.

This scenario, related to the French political map, says a lot, and the results indicate, Nidal Choucair, professor of strategic communication and government relations in Paris, “Macron has become the third and weakest force today. The Republican Party is holding him responsible for ending the presidential coalition with 245 votes.” They marked the beginning of the end of “political Macronism,” and they marked the end of Attal as Prime Minister and President of France in 2027.

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The second session is very important and there are 24 critical hours, the key to which in principle is the extreme right. Al-Ashkar explains in an interview with Al-Nashra, “The fate of the Popular Front is related to two questions, the first being ‘will there be an understanding with the presidential coalition’? An agreement between the left-wing coalition?!” “The key to a far-right majority lies in the hands of his opponents rather than in his own hands, and it is unlikely that he will achieve these results if they agree with him,” insisting, “The most important thing is that Marion Marshall left the Reform Party. By associating himself with others, there is a great series of betrayals.”

In the end, the first scene inevitably starts with the second round, but the full scene, to gauge the political dimensions and see where it is going, will appear after the election.

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