Israel pursues motorcycles along southern Lebanon border

In its war against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, the Israeli military has moved to target motorcyclists along the border, without distinguishing between civilians and militants, as its drones carried out three strikes on Sunday, according to field sources. motorcycles, one of which was a suicide bomber, and six deaths occurred; Many of them, including civilians, were injured.

The latest change reflects the development of a curfew strategy with intensive bombing along the southern Lebanese border. Repeated targeting of cars led to a curfew across the entire border area, and violent aerial bombardment and systematic destruction of homes led to the evacuation of the border area, before an Israeli military strategy expanded to target the area this week. Motorcycles try to pass in that area.

According to field sources, Israel’s action on Sunday “proves the negative,” as residents believe that traveling on motorcycles will reveal their faces, allowing Israeli technology to recognize their faces and confirm they are civilians. “Where there was nothing to protect the public, evidenced by the targeting of two civilians who were feeding pets such as cats and dogs that were staying in the area.”

The Green Southerners Association said on Sunday that two young men riding a motorcycle were targeted and kept feeding cats in the border town of Aida al-Shabab. He said a young man named Rafiq Hasan Qasim was taking care of and feeding the animals in his town of Aida al-Shab, which has been under Israeli attack for eight months. She pointed out that the young man “works as a mechanic, and he regularly visits his sturdy village and carries food for dozens of cats and dogs.”

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Qasim was killed in a bomb-laden drone strike targeting his motorcycle he was riding with a friend. Another civilian, which led to their murder. The Israeli military often pursues vehicles with drones armed with guided missiles and rarely uses explosive drones, which it began using last week when it bombed the ruins of a house in Naqora targeted by an airstrike. Destruction.

The raid on a motorcycle was the second in Aita al-Shaab on Sunday. After another attack targeting a motorcycle in Nagora, killing its driver and injuring other civilians around the area. Field sources said the person targeted was a member of Hezbollah, and the party later condoled him in a statement, describing the targeting as “assassination”.

The Israeli military later announced that “a Hezbollah member was identified leaving a military facility in the Naqora area and was killed by direct fire.”

Wreckage of a motorcycle targeted by an Israeli strike on a Hezbollah fighter he was riding in Naqora (National Institute)

In the same context, an Israeli drone with guided missiles targeted a motorcycle in the center of Hula city, resulting in the death of at least three people, Lebanese media reported, among the injured recovered by civil defense, including civilians. .

The town of Aidaroun came under Israeli bombardment, with internationally banned phosphorus bombs falling on its surroundings, prompting Israeli warplanes to launch an attack targeting the town of Yaron in Bint Jbeel district along with two airstrips. The Israeli army hit Al-Atisa city, Kafar Qila city and the suburbs of Shihin and Majdal Zon cities, along with the bombing of Wadi Hamul and Wadi Hassan, with violent Bosphorus bombardment. Many artillery shells.

Smoke rises from an Israeli attack targeting southern Lebanon (AFP).

“Hisb Allah”

On the other hand, Hezbollah announced that it responded to the massacre and civilian injuries in Naqora city by deploying rocket weapons and artillery shells targeting the Jal al-Alam base. In its vicinity, civilians were injured when a rocket launcher bombed the headquarters of the Liman Brigade in retaliation for a massacre by Zionist enemies.

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He said the attack on Aida al-Shab targeted a building used by Israeli soldiers in the Avivim colony.

In his subsequent statements, he indicated that he had targeted technical systems at the al-Abad base with appropriate weapons, targeted the al-Malikiya base, and targeted Ramda and Jibdin and stationed Israeli soldiers near it. Bases on Sheba farms with missiles.

On Saturday night, the Israeli army intensified its artillery attack, targeting Wadi Hamul, Rashaya al-Faqar, Zipkin, Labuneh, Harj Markaba and the suburbs of Kafr Hamam and Naqora on the eastern outskirts of Qiyam city. The city of Kyam was subjected to four violent raids in less than 5 minutes during the night.

In parallel, Israeli military spokesman Avichai Atrey announced that “the army launched an offensive last night, targeting Hezbollah in five areas in southern Lebanon, through air and artillery bombardment.” He said, “On Sunday night, warplanes hit infrastructure and several military buildings of Hezbollah in Qiyam and Aida al-Shaab areas. The army also shelled the areas of Qiyam, Hula, Markaba and Kafar Gila in southern Lebanon with artillery.

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