Hamas: We received a negative response from Israel, news that negotiations are deadlocked

Osama Hamdan, a prominent leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), accused the Israeli prime minister of the Israeli occupation's response to the movement's proposal for ceasefire talks and prisoner exchanges as “negative and unresponsive to the demands of our people”. Benjamin Netanyahu and his government and supporters are responsible for blocking efforts to save the exchange deal.

In a press conference broadcast by Al Jazeera, Hamdan pointed out that the occupation escalates its crimes against Palestinians with each round of negotiations.

He pointed out that Hamas is following the course of negotiations through mediator brothers in Egypt and Qatar, stressing that the movement presents a comprehensive vision of achieving the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

“In an attempt to further delay and bring the negotiations to a deadlock, the occupation reneged on its earlier concession to the mediators,” he disclosed.

He continued, “We will not allow the occupation to use political games to make up for its military losses,” warning the “Nazi enemy” of its continued violations and crimes against the Gaza Strip and holding them responsible for the lives of Palestinians. People in Gaza.

Yesterday, Tuesday, the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, said that the occupation is fighting to restore life to Gaza, and that it is targeting the Shifa compound and police officers to spread chaos. To sabotage the ongoing talks in Doha.

On the same day, Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majid al-Ansari insisted that indirect talks between representatives of Hamas and Israel had resumed in Doha and had moved to the level of technical meetings, adding that it was too late to talk about further details. of negotiations.

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Massacres and Crimes

Hamdan said of the increasing pace of killings in the Gaza Strip, “targeting those trying to give aid to our people or those trying to occupy Rafah, the aggression must stop.” Help should be brought.

He pointed out that the occupation admitted to executing more than 50 Palestinians and arresting 200 people, including journalists and media professionals, inside Al-Shifa Medical Hospital in Gaza. Raised the enemy's military defeat.

He held the administration of US President Joe Biden responsible for the ongoing massacres by the occupation army in the Gaza Strip with US arms and support. About stopping the genocide in Gaza.

Hamdan saluted the “responsible national stance of the families and clans of Gaza who refused to respond to the occupation's malicious plans,” referring to the cowardly assassination of the director of Palestinian police operations in Gaza, Major General Fayaq al-Mabouh. Shifa Hospital “Preventing help from coming is a Zionist crime.”

Relief and the siege ended

The Hamas leader called for the full opening of the crossings, an end to the blockade and the bringing of aid convoys to all parts of the Strip. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

He called for continued mobilization in the occupied West Bank and occupied Jerusalem to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and praised “the role of the Yemeni armed forces and our brothers in Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iraq in support of the Yemeni people.”

He renewed his call for the International Court of Justice to take urgent steps to bring about the occupation to stop the famine, and added, “The world must answer a fundamental question: Isn't it time to put this rogue entity on trial? ?”

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