72 guns were seized from Alain Delon's home

72 guns and 3,000 rounds of ammunition were seized from Alain Delon's house.

The French public prosecutor's office announced Tuesday that it had seized 72 guns and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition during a raid on the home of actor Alain Delon, and opened an investigation into the illegal possession of weapons.

Prosecutor Jean-Cédric Goux confirmed in a statement that the 88-year-old French actor, who is terminally ill, “has no license allowing him to possess a firearm”.

The search took place last Thursday, after a report by the guardian judge on February 8, when the agent responsible for the star's legal defense went to his home and noticed that Alain Delon had a gun, according to the judge. According to the judge, it was noted during the trial that “there was a shooting range on the property.”

After his cinematic works became very rare in the cinema since the end of the nineties, the name of the veteran French actor returned to the forefront of events in the summer of 2023, when his three children complained about his assistant Hiromi Rolland. He is sometimes described as his companion on the suspicion of exploiting his weakness and mistreating him.

The actor, who has been suffering from lymphoma, has been under court custody since late January. Amid conflict between her three children, Anthony, Anushka and Alain Fabian, the Department of Justice appointed a legal representative to assist her in medical follow-up.

The issue of weapons at his house in Doshi area, where the actor had indicated that he wanted to end his life, was the subject of a new round of accusations between Anushka and Anthony.

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In an interview with daughter Elle magazine, “the worst thing is that even though Anthony and Alain Fabian know I hate guns, my father has them as a symbol of masculinity from another era. A collection of weapons, they walk around the house armed (…) My two brothers are wild.” They think they are in the West.

The older brother quickly responded to her on Instagram, describing his sister's interview as a “disaster” and disparaging her account of her hatred of weapons.

In May 2019, Alain Delon returned to the red carpet to receive the prestigious Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.


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